When you have banking questions, we have answers.

Below is a list of answers to the most frequently asked by our clients. If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, feel free to Contact us.

You will need documents that show your legal name, permanent street address, and date of birth. Appropriate forms of ID include a driver’s license, state-issued identification or valid passport.

You get your account number sent to your email address upon sign up and you can view them in your Online Banking dashboard.

From the CBS-Reserve home page, you will see a “Sign In” link in the upper right corner of the page. Click on the Link and fill in your details accordingly.

If you have access to CBS-Reserve Online Banking, you can update this information within your Profile Settings, or you can contact us.

To send a wire, you will be asked to provide your name, complete street address, CBS-Reserve account number and crediting information. The crediting information includes the bank name, complete street address, routing number and the recipient’s name, complete street address and account number.

Charges can be disputed through Online Banking or by email. To submit a dispute by email, please send an email to support@cbsreserved.com
It’s easy to monitor your available balance through Online Banking, or by sending us an Inquiry Email at support@cbsreserved.com

A pending transaction is a transaction that has not been posted to your account, but is reflected in your available balance.

All In One Banking Experience



270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
